The World Bank Vietnam, 2010- present

Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Insurance Facility (SEADRIF): Strengthen Financial Resilience in Southeast Asia Project, Dec 2021- on going: M&E consultant for the Trustee, Singapore-based team, grant by the WB (individual contract).

Forest Sector Modernization and Coastal Resilience Enhancement, October 2016- June 2017, Mar 2019- Dec 2023: Assisting project preparation team from the Bank and MARD to carry out a need assessment for design M&E system, supervise the running of the M&E system for the project (individual contract).

Integrate Climate Resilience Sustainable Livelihood, May 2018- ongoing: supervise the running of the M&E system for the project (expected to end in June 2024- individual contract)

Portfolio management & Australia - World Bank Partnership (ABP), M&E Consultant, Oct 2015- June 2016: Assisted the Portfolio Management team with M&E tasks by monitoring project progress, project and fund adjustment (individual contract).

VACI 2011, 2013 and 2014 M&E

VACI-Vietnam Anti-corruption Initiatives is the program replicating Vietnam Innovation Day (VID) model introduced by the World Bank and co-organised by Government Inspectorate (on governance and anti-corruption). Since the success of the VID Program in 2009, a large amount of anti-corruption initiatives through-out the country have been chosen for sponsorship by VACI Program series (19 projects in 2014, 24 projects in 2013 and 34 projects in 2011) under the theme of “Transparency, Integrity and Accountability”. Viet Insight was assigned for the projects' performance monitoring and evaluation as well as consultancy on the program's design and models review.   

VWID 2013, VID 2011 and 2010 M&E

VID-Vietnam Innovation Day is an annual program which seeks for initiatives from grass-roots levels for approaches to address development issues.

In 2013, in cooperation with Vietnam Women's Union, the program was called as Vietnam Women's Innovation Day with the theme of "Women’s Economic Empowerment” identified 8 to support, out of more than 200 proposals. These 8 projects are sponsored to implement their initiatives in one year, from August 2014 to August 2015. Viet Insight was assigned for their performance monitoring and evaluation.

The theme for VID 2011 was “Innovations for Social Equity and Sustainable Growth” with 16 projects receiving grants from the program to implement their initiatives within one year. The tasks of Viet Insight included monitoring the implementation of all VID 2011 projects and conducting mid-term as well end-term evaluation to give advice for the better performance of the projects and management of the Task Team of the program.

The theme for VID 2010 was “Climate Change” with 30 projects to support. In this assignment, Viet Insight conducted M&E tasks through close desk review, phone-calls and direct visits to projects. Overall as well as detailed findings and assessments from projects were the key source for lessons learnt and recommendations for the improvement of VID 2010 projects as well as the management of the whole program

VID Assessment

In this assignment, Viet Insight had a task of assessing the program’s relevance, effectiveness and impact. To complete this, Viet Insight met many stakeholders of the program including VID’s government partners, donors and grantees. 277 projects from VID 2003 to 2011 were reviewed along with a mail-out survey and direct field trips to noticeable projects and agencies through out the regions of the country.

The World Bank Vietnam, 2010- present The World Bank Vietnam, 2010- present

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, 2016- present

Management service for The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO)

SIPPO is a mandate of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), within the framework of its economic development cooperation. SIPPO supports private sector BSOs for the sectors focusing on sustainable development for the country

Market researches for Bio-trade Scoping and Shan-tea market prospection

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Viet Nam is an international NGO with presence in Viet Nam since 1995. The organization has successfully delivered substantial development work in a variety of sectors in the rural economy of Viet Nam and the region. In these assignments for HELVETAS, two market researches have been conducted by Viet Insight team, using ITC Trademap data and other relevant sources. 

The first research focused at addressing the practical needs of the tea private sector whilst capitalizing on the achievements of recent tea project. The research on market information for Shan tea served the goal of identifying and systemizing issues (opportunities, requirements, gaps, etc.) to then define relevant interventions for bolstering the tea value chain performance and assuring incremental income at farm level is necessary. In addition, in light with attempt to upgrade the level of competitiveness, analysis has also been done for solutions to promote for innovations in tea production, processing and marketing

The second research called "Natural Ingredients Market scanning- from ITC Trade Map Analysis" has also been completed to identify biotrade’s products/product groups that (i) already have a proven export record and (ii) those that do not yet export at all, or export little, but meet the necessary conditions for export supply. The research and analysis singled out potential products for the region for the design of necessary interventions to furthering the sustainable international trading of regional bio-trade products.

Vietrade, Trade Promotion Studies: Report on Export Promotion and Institutional Assessment, 2013-2014

Report on Export Promotion

With our experience in developing the Report on Export Promotion 2012-2013, Viet Insight was chosen to continue developing the Report on Export Promotion for the period of 2013-2014.

In this assignment, one of our most important tasks is developing a set of indicators of provincial trade promotion centers. With the objectives of developing a set of indicators for the pratical use of the provincial trade promotion centers, we combine 2 sets of indicators-one from our previous study (for the period of 2012-2013), one from the International Trade Centre (ITC) in Geneva, Switzerland.

Besides the desk study, we also pay direct visits to trade promotion centers in provinces, especially where with emerging products in the national export turn-over. A comprehensive report with data collected from both desk study and field visits will be completed as a support for the trade promotion sector in the country for the set period.

Institutional Assessment for Trade Promotion

This Institutional Assessment for Trade Promotion was conducted within the framework of a new SECO-financed, Vietrade-executed technical cooperation programme which aims at increasing the contribution of SMEs in key export sectors in three selected regions (Northern, Central and Southern) through the strengthening of trade support services being offered to potential or current SME exporters. Its positive element is the recognition and expectation of SMEs on the role of provincial Trade Promotion Center(s)/Organisations and Vietrade as one of the key sources.

The assignment identified certain gaps in supporting SMEs with their export performance. The key findings from this Institutional Assessment were from the use of a customized benchmarking tool with 150 indicators, learning from TSIs Benchmarking Model of ITC. The tools helped the team of 3 groups working independently in 3 regions to map out the key players of trade promotion network in each region and then benchmark their current practices against the needs of SMEs and best practices. In total, the team interviewed 66 enterprises, surveyed to 19 sampled provinces to diagnose all divisions and staff of 19 TPOs and their provincial trade promotion colleagues. Details of 3 other TPOs were retrieved from previous benchmarking exercise, 6 others sent their information through emails adding up the total of 28 TPOs analysed for this IA. At regional and central level, the team interviewed more than 20 associations, institutes and sector experts.

Danida, Review of the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Program in Viet Nam (CCAM), 2013

CCAM is cooperation program between Danish and Vietnamese goverments which supports Vietnam National Target Program to Respond to Climate Change and the Vietnam Energy Efficency Programme. The program is granted to be implemented from January 2009 to December 2015

Review Mission of the Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation Programme (CCAM). Location: Hanoi,  Quang Nam and Ben Tre. The overall objective of the review is to assess the progress of the national sector framework within climate change adaptation and mitigation and progress in meeting the objectives of the cooperation programme between Denmark and Vietnam.


Climate Change Adaptation ad Climate-related Disaster Risk Management Study. The overall objective of the study is to assess and make recommendation on how best to bring the synergies between climate change adaptation and climate-related disaster risk management activities and initiatives in Vietnam, and in particular their coordination, so as to enhance their outcomes and cost-effectiveness. Viet Insight provided one national expert to work on this study during October – December 2008 and completed a report with recommendation on how best to bring synergies between climate change adaptation and disaster risk management strategies and activities at both national and provincial levels in Viet Nam; including a possible climate change adaptation and disaster risk management strategic framework and coordination mechanism.

Rockefeller Foundation, Studies on Climate Resilience Strategies, 2008

Study "Cities Selection and Detailed Urban Governance Assessment for Climate Resilience Strategies in Viet Nam", 2008


Viet Insight led a of Group of local consultants to conduct a mission on "Cities Selection and Detailed Urban Governance Assessment for Climate Resilience Strategies in Viet Nam" requested and supported by Rockefeller Foundation during July - September 2008. The results of this study include a list of 6 priority cities potentially receiving support from Rockefeller Foundation Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network Vietnam.


Study on "Urban Governance Screen for Climate Resilience Strategies: Assessment of Da Nang, Vietnam"


Viet Insight conducted the Study "Urban Governance Screen for Climate Resilience Strategies: Assessment of Da Nang, Vietnam" during July 2007, coordinated by the Institute of Development Studies completing a rapid governance and capacity assessment of 10 South and Southeast Asian cities.

Embassy of Denmark, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2009-2010

PAR program, Apr 2009- July 2010

In this assignment, Viet Insight provided the Embassy with Evaluation Consultant and Coordinator for surveys for evaluating the performance of One-Stop-Shops in provinces. Tasks included:
- Coordination for the public opinion survey on 30 communes, 08 city town and districts and 4 Departments of Dak Nong Province (June-July 2010).
- Coordination for the public opinion survey on 51 communes, 09 city and districts and 4 Departments of Lao Cai Province (Oct 2009- February 2010).
- Coordination for the public opinion survey on 14 districts and 30 communes of Dak Lak Province (Apr- Jul 2009).

The total man-months Viet Insight provided for these OSS missions was 35 man-months over 2 years with 3 surveys.

Embassy of Denmark, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2009-2010

UNDP, trainings and evaluation on disaster risks management topics

Training Course on Project Formulation and Management for Agencies involved in Natural Disaster Mitigation at Provincial and National Level, 2008


The training course was designed and implemented for the following objectives: (i) to design and conduct a training course on project formulation and management for representatives of NDM agencies in 25 provinces; (ii) to assist trained in identifying primary needs of interventions for NDM in their respective provinces. The course took approach of Logical Framework for project design and identification. During January and May 2008, with the inputs of 3 partners, Viet Insight organized two five day training courses: the first one (18-22/2/2008) for 22 trainees from NDM agencies of 13 Northern Provinces; the second one (14-18/4/2008) for 30 trainees from NDM agencies of 15 Provinces in Centre and Southern of Vietnam.


Evaluation for Water Disaster Risk Management Projects in Da Nang City and Binh dinh Province, 2006


Provided one expert as Institutional and Capacity Building Specialist to conduct final independent evaluation for water disaster risk management projects in Da Nang City and Binh dinh Province, September - October 2006

VAMESP II- Vietnam Australian Monitoring and Evaluation Strengthening Project, 2005- 2007

The project attempts to establish a national system for monitoring and evaluating to be used in official development assistance programmes and projects in Viet Nam. It supports the Government of Vietnam to realize its ODA objectives outlined in the socio-economic development plan and comprehensive poverty reduction and growth strategy.  In particular, the project supports efforts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of ODA with a view to improving outcome quality, long term economic and social benefits for the nations poor. Support is provided through capacity building in the Foreign Economic Relations Department under MPI and integrated activities with project stakeholders namely seven provincial agencies of Hanoi, Bac Ninh, Nghe An, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho and the five Ministries of Finance, Health, Transport, Agriculture and Rural Development and Education and Training.  The project collaborates with the 5 Banks and the Like Minded Donor Group to work initially on harmonization of use of log frames and a commitment to M&E as an integral part of the project cycle.

Between 2005 and 2006, Viet Insight has been providing services for VAMESPII to conduct pilot evaluations for several ODA projects.  Each evaluation usually includes building capacity for evaluation methodology and framework, evaluation planning, field works, and reporting lessons learned.


The list of pilot evaluations conducted by Viet Insight from 2005 to 2007 includes:

  1. Mid-term evaluation for Multi-donor Trust Fund (Ministry of Finance)
  2. Baseline evaluation of the Can Tho Urban Upgrading Project in Can Tho city
  3. Impact evaluation of the Rural Electrification I Project in Quang Nam province.
  4. Baseline evaluation of Quang Ngai Urban Environment Improvement Project
  5. Baseline evaluation for Customs Modernization Project (Ministry of Finance)
  6. Mid-term evaluation of Nghe An Afforestation Program
  7. Mid-term evaluation of Can Tho Waste Water Treatment Project
  8. Impact evaluation of Primary Health Care Project (Ministry of Health Care)
  9. Mid-term evaluation of Road Network Improvement Project (Ministry of Transport)
  10. Baseline evaluation of  the East West High Way and Environmental Management Prọject in Ho Chi Minh city
  11. Impact evaluation of Water Supply Project 1A in Ha Noi (Ministry of Investment and Planning).
  12. Preparation of selected case studies in ODA project evaluation.
VAMESP II- Vietnam Australian Monitoring and Evaluation Strengthening Project, 2005- 2007

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), 2009- 2011

Training Workshop on Project Cycle Management for JICA's counterpart ministries, March 2019 – December 2011

Viet Insight conducted a package of training need assessment and a series of workshops for officers of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Planning and Investment on Project Cycle Management with the support from JICA, including:
- PCM WS for MoF in March 2011
- PCM WS for MPI in May 2011
- PCM WS for MoF in June 2011
- PCM-M&E WS (followed the two PCM/planning workshops) for MoF in August 2011
- PCM WS for MoC in October 2011
- PCM WS for MoF in December 2011
- PCM WS for Counterparts of JICA Projects in Vietnam, March 2009

Tasks for this assignment include:
- propose plans and prepare materials
- make necessary arrangements in preparation for the workshops
- give lectures on PCM (and with focus in M&E for some workshops) in the workshops
- facilitate a PCM workshop session for each workshop
- collect feedback from participants for evaluation and improvement of the WS.
- recommendations for the next workshop/capacity building activities.

Study on Effective Technical Cooperation for Capacity Development, February – August 2008

The theme for VID 2010 was "Climate Change" with 30 projects to support. In this assignment, Viet Insight conducted M&E tasks through close desk review, phone-calls and direct visits to projects. Overall as well as detailed findings and assessments from projects were the key source for lessons learnt and recommendations for the improvement of VID 2010 projects as well as the management of the whole program.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), 2009- 2011 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), 2009- 2011

Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), Project "Poverty Reduction through Integrated Small Enterprise Development" (PRISED), 2008

Evaluation of Social Marketing Campaign in Thanh Hoa, February – April 2009

The evaluation take place in Thanh Hoa province using both qualitative and quantitative methods to give the project management team lessons for other similar interventions in other provinces in terms of outreach of the campaign, effectiveness, impacts and sustainability.

Development of M&E system for PRISED project, July – September 2008

Under this assignment, Viet Insight worked along with the project team to develop an M&E system for PRISED project which is user-friendly. The work took into account the fact that project is planned and executed at provincial level but also requires consolidation at national level. Details accomplished tasks include the development of soft reporting systems and a Manual for its operation. A commitment for maintenance until the end of the project time (taking into account the unique character of the project and the designed system) was also guaranteed by Viet Insight.

Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), Project
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